NOT the one that is not going to be your new email address. It can be anything as long as it is not the same as your website address. So, if we are setting up an email for the email should NOT end in
The main one you want registered to your business email account
If your email will be, you would enter here
If you want email addresses at other domains like "", enter those domains here.
The main administrator email that you want to log in with. If you will only have one email address, enter that here.
If you want more than one user or email, enter those here in full including first and last name e.g. "Jane Doe," "Bob Smith," - one on each line
If you don't know, leave it blank. If you use Outlook, write "Outlook"
One per line. e.g. ", mypassword". Or send them to us at in the same email as above.